Where does Social Security go to?

The maintenance of pensioner´s economic power, the promotion of active ageing at workplace, the best protection to unemployed people more than 52, the equality of social protection between workers and self-employed worker


  • Eva María Blázquez Agudo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid




Social Security reforms, pensions, unemployed people benefit, convergence protection, family allowances


In the last 6 months there have been diverse reforms in the context of Social Security, which show the pathway of the future. The revalorization index has been suspended in order to maintenance of pensioners` economic power, the cases of compatibility between work and pension have been extended in accordance with the principle of active ageing promotion, although there are other modifications in the opposite way as the resurrection of compulsory retirement clauses; the protection of unemployed people more than 52 years has been spread; and it is advanced in the convergence between social protection for workers and self-employed workers.


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How to Cite

Blázquez Agudo, E. M. (2019). Where does Social Security go to? The maintenance of pensioner´s economic power, the promotion of active ageing at workplace, the best protection to unemployed people more than 52, the equality of social protection between workers and self-employed worker. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (11), 18–43. https://doi.org/10.18172/redsye.6196