Maternity and conciliation at work. RDL 6/2019

A first approximation


  • Fernando Lousada Arochena Universidad de A Coruña



Maternity, balance between work and family life, Labour Law


Summary: The Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, dated 1 March, on urgent actions to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation, undertakes various amendments in the area of maternity and work-life balance. The study is dedicated to its specific analysis. In particular, it is analysed the new birth and child care permission, which is undoubtedly the amendment with the greatest impact on public opinion, since this permission materializes the increase of the permission duration in favour of the parent other than the biological mother until the duration of the permission in favour of the biological mother. Moreover, it is also analysed the changes in the nursing care permission, in the right to the adaptation of the workday and in the guarantee of the exercise of maternity and paternity rights. The study is finished with critical conclusions, and with the desire that the decree-law becomes a formal law.


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How to Cite

Lousada Arochena, F. (2019). Maternity and conciliation at work. RDL 6/2019: A first approximation. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (11), 70–97.