One more step towards real co–responsibility

The employment contract suspension due to childbirth, adoption, guardianship for adoption and foster care after the Royal Decree–Law 6/2019


  • Rocío Molina González-Pumariega Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Co–responsability, work–life balance, the employment contract suspension


The approval of Royal Decree – Law 6/2019, of March 1, “on urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation”, has amended in a co–responsability key the regulation of the employment contract suspensión for maternity, paternity, adoption, guardianship for adoption and foster care purposes. In this article, we make a positive assessment of these reforms, due to that they represent an advance in the promotion of family co–responsibility of male and female workers. However, we highlight that some relevant shortcomings. Likewise we suggest some proposals to achieve real co–responsibility


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How to Cite

Molina González-Pumariega, R. (2020). One more step towards real co–responsibility: The employment contract suspension due to childbirth, adoption, guardianship for adoption and foster care after the Royal Decree–Law 6/2019. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (12), 122–149.