The ILO centennial declaration

On the importance of the recognition of freedom of association and collective bargaining


  • Eduardo Rojo Torrecilla Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona



ILO, Centennial Declaration, Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining


The article first presents some general considerations on the content of the Centennial Declaration. It then explains the historical development of the right to freedom of association, which includes the right to collective bargaining, from the 1919 ILO Constitution to the Declaration. Special attention is given to the content of the document and then there is a discussion on how such rights should be exercised in the framework of the new business realities and the diversity of the world of work. It concludes the text by stressing the importance of continuing to protect and strengthen the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining


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How to Cite

Rojo Torrecilla, E. (2020). The ILO centennial declaration: On the importance of the recognition of freedom of association and collective bargaining. Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (13), 40–62.