Prevention of Occupational Risks on Remote Work

(Effective recognition and modulations of the right; the contemplation of sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, discriminatory and workplace harassment, and gender–based violence, risks of exposure to display screens)


  • Fernando Lousada Arochena Universidade da Coruña



Prevention of professional risks, telework, prevention of harassment at telework, gender violence


The object of this study is the right of teleworkers and others remote workers to the prevention of occupational risks that is regulated in Royal Decree Law 28/2020, of September 22, on remote work. One of its most significant developments is the contemplation of sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, discriminatory and workplace harassment, and gender–based violence, as professional risks in teleworking. Finally, the regulation on risks of exposure to display screens will be analyzed.


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How to Cite

Lousada Arochena, F. (2021). Prevention of Occupational Risks on Remote Work: (Effective recognition and modulations of the right; the contemplation of sexual harassment, harassment based on sex, discriminatory and workplace harassment, and gender–based violence, risks of exposure to display screens). Revista Derecho Social Y Empresa, (14), 74–97.