The deglaciation of Sierra Nevada (Spain), synthesis of the knowledge and new contributions


  • A. Gómez-Ortiz
  • M. Oliva
  • D. Palacios
  • F. Salvador-Franch
  • L. Vázquez-Selem
  • M. Salvà-Catarineu
  • N. de Andrés



Sierra Nevada, Quaternary, glacial processes, periglacial proces¬ses, absolute dates, historical documents.


The large number of studies of Sierra Nevada’s environmental history since the Last Pleistocene glacial period makes it one of the most intensively analysed massifs in the Iberian Peninsula. The early geomorphological descriptions have been complemented in recent decades with absolute dating techniques that have allocated in time the sequence of environmental events occurred in Sierra Nevada during the last millennia. The maximum expansion of the glaciers during the Last Glaciation took place around 30-32 ka, with a subsequent re-advance by 19-20 ka. The process of deglaciation was very fast, and around 14-15 ka the ice had almost completely retreated from the massif. Since then, with greater or less intensity and extent, periglacial processes have driven the environmental change in the massif. The coldest and wettest phases during the Holocene have favoured the development of small glaciers in the highest northern cirques. The last of these phases was the Little Ice Age, where abundant historical sources and sedimentary records exist. During the mid XX century the last glaciers melted, resulting in the complete deglaciation of the massif.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Ortiz A, Oliva M, Palacios D, Salvador-Franch F, Vázquez-Selem L, Salvà-Catarineu M, de Andrés N. The deglaciation of Sierra Nevada (Spain), synthesis of the knowledge and new contributions. CIG [Internet]. 2015 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 26];41(2):409-26. Available from:


