The geographical interest of historical documents to interpret the scientific evolution of the glacier existing in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) during the Little Ice Age


  • A. Gómez-Ortiz Universidad de Barcelona
  • M. Oliva Universidade de Lisboa
  • F. Salvador-Franch Universidad de Barcelona
  • M. Salvà-Catarineu Universidad de Barcelona
  • J. Plana-Castellví Universidad de Barcelona



Sierra Nevada, Veleta cirque, periglacial environment, glacier, historical sources, Little Ice Age


Historical documents have shown their potential to infer the origin and evolution of the glacier existing in the Veleta cirque, in the massif of Sierra Nevada (Spain). This information encompasses written sources spanning from the 17th to the mid-20th centuries, and provides valuable knowledge about the Little Ice Age. These new data complement the already existing geomorphological knowledge about the natural system and landscape evolution in Sierra Nevada, particularly with regards to glacial geomorphic events in the summit areas. From a transdisciplinary methodological approach, the results show that the Veleta glacier was a singular geomorphic event that owed its existence to the particular environmental conditions of the high lands of Sierra Nevada, besides the favourable morpho-topographical setting, altitude, aspect as well as microclimate conditions prevailing in this area.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Ortiz A, Oliva M, Salvador-Franch F, Salvà-Catarineu M, Plana-Castellví J. The geographical interest of historical documents to interpret the scientific evolution of the glacier existing in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) during the Little Ice Age. CIG [Internet]. 2018 Feb. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];44(1):267-92. Available from:


