Remote sensing and spatial databases for investigating latent urban-rural dynamics in rural, inland districts of Southern Italy
Rural-urban pattern, urban sprawl, inner areas, remote sensing, Corine Land CoverAbstract
It is well-known that rural-urban patterns help to capture socioeconomic interactions between different settlement forms. The sustainability challenge requires to consider the evolution of these patterns as a reliable indicator of the dynamics of land use change and potential land degradation processes occurred in a time frame. In this research, by using multisource data (Corine Land Cover, Keyhole KH-9 and Landsat satellite images), we trace the diachronic evolution (1990-2018) of the rural-urban pattern in the provinces of Avellino and Benevento (Campania region, Southern Italy) with a specific focus on the key municipality of Ariano Irpino (1975-2018). The analysis confirms the considerable urban growth occurred in the study area, mostly in the form of urban sprawl phenomena decoupled from population growth. This happens concurrently with a transformation of the agricultural sector projected toward a greater specialization favouring agritourism activities and valuable crops (e.g., vineyards). These findings can support policy makers in future planning activities by mixing conservation, mitigation, and restoration actions.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Vito Imbrenda, Casandra Munoz-Gomez, Mariagrazia D’Emilio, Caterina Samela, Luca Salvati, Nadia Matarazzo, Maria Lanfredi, Rosa Coluzzi

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