Speleothem formation in Northeastern Iberian Peninsula under the influence of different climatic conditions over last glacial cycles


  • A. Moreno Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia
  • Anchel Belmonte Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Miguel Bartolomé Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia
  • Carlos Sancho Universidad de Zaragoza
  • Belén Oliva Instituto Pirenaico de Ecologia
  • Heather Stoll Universidad de Oviedo
  • L. R. Edwards University of Minnesota
  • Hai Cheng University of Minnesota
  • John Hellstrom University of Melbourne




speleothems, interglacial, Holocene, karstic systems


Speleothem growing is closely linked to warm climates with a positive hydrological balance. Mild temperatures and hydrological availability are conditions that tend to stimulate soil CO2 production due to denser vegetation cover and higher microbial activity. In such situations, waters enriched with dissolved carbonate are common and can infiltrate in the karstic system. This study compiles 158 dates from 34 speleothems collected in nine caves in the Northeastern Iberia to distinguish the time intervals with speleothem formation. A clear connection of speleothem growth and interglacial periods is established but precesssional influence is also observed, being periods of maxima insolation those with ideal conditions to produce karstic formations such as speleothems. The Holocene is without doubt the best represented period in the available records. However, last centuries were not characterized by an important development of speleothems in the studied caves.


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How to Cite

Moreno A, Belmonte A, Bartolomé M, Sancho C, Oliva B, Stoll H, Edwards LR, Cheng H, Hellstrom J. Speleothem formation in Northeastern Iberian Peninsula under the influence of different climatic conditions over last glacial cycles. CIG [Internet]. 2013 Jul. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];39(1):25-47. Available from: https://publicaciones.unirioja.es/ojs/index.php/cig/article/view/1998


