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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in MSWord document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • La figuras son originales. Las referencias bibliográficas se indican a pie de página.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

1. Articles and reviews submitted to the journal must be unpublished, not approved for publication anywhere else. And they may be presented in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

It should be used an inclusive and non-sexist language.

They may be sent through the magazine's platform:

In the first place, it will appear on a sheet that includes the title of the work, the name of the author or authors, their address and academic situation, email and telephone number. Likewise, the date of submission of the work will be stated on the first page.


2. Manuscripts will be submitted in doc./docx format, according to the style sheet of the journal.

The text should have an extension of no more than 30 pages and the reviews of no more than 5 pages.

The first page of the article must include the title of the article in the native language of the article and in English (or Spanish, if the article is written in English). In addition, a summary of no more than 10 lines is required (in the language of the article and in English or Spanish) and a maximum of 5 keywords in the language of the article in English (or Spanish, if the article is written in English).


3. Illustrations (drawings, plans, graphs, maps, photos, tables, etc.) will always be original. Any figure that has been taken from another publication will be accompanied by the source of origin.

4. Bibliographic references will be indicated at the bottom of the page and will conform to the following format:


  • An author: Maximiliano FUENTES CODERA: Un viaje por los extremos: Eugenio D'Ors en la crisis del liberalismo, Granada, Comares, 2017.
  • Two authors: Carolina QUEIPO y María PALACIOS (eds.): El asociacionismo musical en España: estudios de caso a través de la prensa, Logroño, Calanda Ediciones Musicales, 2019.
  • Three authors: César GONZÁLEZ MÍNGUEZ, Iñaki BAZÁN DÍAZ e Iñaki REGUERA (eds.): Marginación y exclusión social en el País Vasco, Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial, 1999.
  • Four or more authors: Manuela Águeda GARCÍA GARRIDO et. al. (eds.): Espada de Dios y aliento de la nobleza: el ministerio de la palabra en la España moderna (siglos XVI-XVIII), Madrid, Sindéresis, 2020.

Book chapters: Lucía PRIETO BORREGO: “Marginalidad y trabajo de la mujer en la posguerra española”, en Cristina DE LA ROSA CUBO et al. (coords.): Trabajo, creación y mentalidades de las mujeres a través de la historia: una visión interdisciplinar, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid, Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Editorial, 2011, pp. 37-58.

Magazine articles: Justo ALTUTO: “La escritura visigótica de origen transpirenaico. Una aproximación a sus particularidades”, Hispania Sacra, 46 (1994), pp. 33-64.

If the reference is to a specific page / s of the article, they will be indicated below as follows: Justo ALTUTO: “La escritura visigótica de origen transpirenaico. Una aproximación a sus particularidades”, Hispania Sacra, 46 (1994), pp. 33-64, esp. pp. 45-48.

Subsequent references:

  • Maximiliano FUENTES CODERA: Un viaje por los extremos…, pp. 58-60.  Justo ALTUTO: “La escritura visigótica…”, pp. 28-31.
  • If it refers to the immediately preceding note: Ibid., pp. 61-62. En cursiva y sin tilde.
  • When several works by the same author are cited in the same footnote: Ismael SAZ CAMPOS: “El primer franquismo”, Ayer, 36 (1999), pp. 201-222; ÍD.: “Política en zona nacionalista: configuración de un régimen”, Ayer, 50 (2003), pp. 55-84; e ÍD.: “La marcha sobre Roma, 70 años: Mussolini y el fascismo”, Historia 16, 199 (1992), pp. 71-78.


  • Matilde EIROA: “Prácticas genocidas en guerra, represión sistémica y reeducación social en posguerra”. Hispania Nova, 10 (2012), [accessed XX/XX/XXXX]
  • When the cited document has an independent entity, but has been obtained from an Internet site, this circumstance will be indicated by indicating after the bibliographic or archival citation the expression "Recovered from the Internet" and the URL of the site in parentheses. For instance: Rafael ALTAMIRA: Cuestiones Hispano-Americanas, Madrid, E. Rodríguez Serra, 1900. Recovered from the Internet ( [accessed XX/XX/XXXX]

The absence of data relating to the author, the city of edition, the publisher or printing company, the year or the number in the case of journals, will be indicated respectively with the following abbreviations:

  • s. a. = no autor
  • s. d. = no date
  • s. e. = no publisher
  • s. l. = no edit place
  • s. n. = without number

Likewise, the bibliographic references of each article will appear at the end of the article, arranged alphabetically by surname. The citations will follow the same citation rules as in the references included at the bottom of the page, although the last names of the author or authors will appear first. For instance: FUENTES CODERA, Maximiliano: Un viaje por los extremos: Eugenio D'Ors en la crisis del liberalismo, Granada, Comares, 2017.

Cited works or articles that have a DOI identifier must include it at the end of the corresponding bibliographic reference.

5. If possible, indicate the funding agency and the code of the ongoing research project. This circumstance will be indicated in a footnote at the beginning of the article.


6. The articles will be examined by the members of the Editorial Board. They will carry out a first review of the manuscript, checking that it adjusts to the theme of the journal and that it meets the publication standards. In this case, an external review will be carried out.

They will also be reviewed using the Turnitin plagiarism detection tool. All those articles in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected will be rejected immediately.

The manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by two experts in the object of study, who will evaluate the originality, relevance and quality of the manuscript. In the case of disparate judgments between the two evaluators, the works will be sent to a third evaluator. The journal Editorial Board, in view of external reports, reserves the right to accept or reject articles for publication. Authors may receive a summary of the review reports, indicating the way to correct deficiencies or make the requested changes.


7. Originals that do not comply with these regulations will be returned to the author for him to make the necessary modifications.


8. Before final publication, the proofs will be sent to the author for correction. Authors must correct the proofs within a period of no more than 10 days and send them to the journal's secretariat. During proofreading, no significant or additional variations to the text that involve additional composition costs will be accepted.


9. The publication of articles in the magazines of the University of La Rioja does not give the right to any remuneration.

No fee is charged for the submission of articles, nor for their publication, once accepted.


10. The author or authors retain all rights to their article and assign the right to the first publication to the journal. Authorization from the journal is not required for its dissemination once published. Once the publisher's version is published, the author must refer to it in the versions archived in personal or institutional repositories.

Authors are recommended to archive the publisher's version in institutional repositories.


11. Accepted texts are published in the electronic edition of the journal and are freely available. Authors will be able to download their works, in PDF format, directly through the Brocar. Cuadernos de Investigación Histórica website, once your contribution is published.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.