La opinión pública en la sociedad de la información : un fenómeno social en permanente cambio
Information Society, public opinion, information, journalism, communication, new technology,Abstract
The new scene within communication that commenced towards the end of the 20th century has transformed, in the 21st century, the relationships between broadcasters, those producing the information, and recipients. The possibilities that have arisen thanks to advancement in news and information allow for interaction between both. This development has made citizens not only communication recipients, in the traditional sense, but also broadcasters and producers of content. The breakdown in the linear process of communication JUAN ANTONIO GARCÍA GALINDO BROCAR, 34 (2010) 273-288 274 has caused the multiplication of information outlets in different directions, reevaluating the role of the individual as producer and user of communication. This multiplication has also reassessed the concept of public opinion. These new boundaries in the world of communication seem to place us face to face with the greatest democratization of social communication in world history. However, it also presents us with a panorama of uncertainty which demands reflection and further studyDownloads
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