La muerte de José Martí : un debate historiográfico
José Martí, Historiography, Dos Ríos, Canary Island, CubaAbstract
The Death of José Martí. A historiographical debate. This paper constitutes a brief advance of a research pro hect about the consequences ofthe 1898 s crisis in Spain, including the analysis ofrepresentative figures from bothsides ofthe Atlantic Ocean. Here, Martis death -a very controversia[ issue in Cuban historiography- is analyzed. The basis for this work is the contrast between two versions ofthe event: The narrative written by Spanish captainAntonio Serra Orts treating the action ofDos Ríos and published by hilnself during his destination in the Canary Islands in 1906, and the one published in the review El Guanche, organ ofthe Partido Nacionalista Canario de Cuba, a version which collected the declarations made by isleño Pablo Raimundo Martínez GarcíaDownloads
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How to Cite
Paz Sánchez, M. de. (1991). La muerte de José Martí : un debate historiográfico. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (17), 7–20.
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