La masonería de obediencia española ante el conflicto colonial puertorriqueño
Masonry Spanish obedience, Puerto Rico, Colonial conjlict, Independence,Abstract
The Masonry Subject to Spanish Obedience before the Colonial Conflict at Puerto Rico. This paper is intended to the analysis ofthe role played by Spanish Masonry in the general context of the Island of Puerto Rico since the ideological influence -already perceptible in the first years of the XIX th centuryexerted by severa/ masoneries cannot be forgotten. In any case 1871 was the keyyear in which Order, after being legalized-eith the consequent abandonmentofclandestinity and the newsituationoftolerance-startedshowing certainpurposes. The indeperuience from Spain was dueto the intervention ofthe U.S.A and in no caseto other masonic of non-masonic influences.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ayala, J. A. (1991). La masonería de obediencia española ante el conflicto colonial puertorriqueño. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (17), 21–36.
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