La masonería y la independencia de Puerto Rico : análisis de un papel de 1823
masonry, independence, Puerto Rico, document, 1823, menace black mail,Abstract
MasonryandthelndependenceofPuertoRicoThisworktakesas ist basis a «papel>Hlated in 1823, the yearwhen Fernando VII absolutist reaction too k place. The document is kept in Major General Miguel de la Torre 'sfamilial archive in Spain, but proceeds from another particular archive in Madrid. It consists o fa long petition which, since its cipheredfinal part and its anonymous closing phrases are by no means usual in masonic rituals and writings, is to be interpreted as a non-masonic anonymous letter, sentwith the purpose offrightening the Military GovernorofPuerto Rico, at the same time could serve to provoke him to initiate a dangerous political adventure under the double coercion ofmenace and black mail.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ferrer Benimeli, J. A. (1991). La masonería y la independencia de Puerto Rico : análisis de un papel de 1823. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (17), 37–54.
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