Nacionalismo y masonería en España (1880-1936)
Masonry, Nationalism, Gran Oriente Español, Expansion, Catalonia, Culture,Abstract
This paperconstitutesanapproxi1nation to the concepto! nationalism -which had been defined as such as soon as in the XIXth century-, with special reference to two types of nationalism existing within Spanish Masonry. In the first place, there is the once defined by the Gran Oriente Español (G. O. E.), centered on the defence of the masonic rights ofSpain beyond its frontiers and which, with respect to the interna/ affairs, rejects such nationalism as that ofCatalonia. In the second place, there is another type of nationalism which willdefend expansionand even colonialism, and which, also being sustained by the G. O. E., became the standard bearer ofSpanish values and culture.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sánchez Ferré, P. (1991). Nacionalismo y masonería en España (1880-1936). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (17), 71–84.
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