Prensa masónica e ideología : la Gaceta Oficial del Gran Oriente Nacional de España y del Grande Oriente Ibérico (1887-1896)
Masonic Press, ldeology, Gaceta Oficial, Gran Oriente National de España, Viscount of Ros,Abstract
Among the researchfields concerning Spanish Masonry, the analiysi.s of masonic Press must be counted as the one providing the best and most accurate approach to the society ofits age since itwas a medium which transmited information and ideology at the same time it created opinion. This paper analyzes that Press which represented the organ ofpower of one of the Grandes Orientes or Supremos Consejos. Specifically, the «Gaceta Oficial del Grande Oriente Nacional de España», edited by Alfredo Vega, Viscount of Ros, has be en taken as a basis for the analysis os so me ideological aspects conforming masonic thought: concept, moral, masonic right, symbolism, democracy, politics,jesuitism, capital and work, etc.Downloads
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How to Cite
Enríquez del Arbol, E. (1991). Prensa masónica e ideología : la Gaceta Oficial del Gran Oriente Nacional de España y del Grande Oriente Ibérico (1887-1896). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (17), 103–126.
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