Estructura económica-social en La Rioja : La población en la segunda mitad del s. XVIII (Valles de Tobía y Cárdenas)
The author propases to examine the mortality crisis of the second half of the XVIIth century, not only through mere demographic schemes, but also, placing the behaviour of severa! localities of La Rioja Alta according to its eco no mica! development and also taking into account the influence of the San Millan de la Cogolla Monastery on the area. The final conclusion is that natural, epidemic disaster and economical evolution, determine, with no doubt, the demographic train.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ibáñez Rodríguez, S. (1989). Estructura económica-social en La Rioja : La población en la segunda mitad del s. XVIII (Valles de Tobía y Cárdenas). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (15), 63–89.
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