Un posible alfar de cerámica romana en Varea (Logroño, Rioja)
In this article we study a possible potter's workshop of terra sigillata in Vareia (Varea, Logroño, Rioja). His existence seems testifzed by the find of a potter's proof, sorne kiln 's accessorys, and so me moulds for making terra sigillata. Also we briejly analize the decora ti ves motifs of the mouldsDownloads
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How to Cite
Andrés Valero, S., & Luezas Pascual, R. A. (1989). Un posible alfar de cerámica romana en Varea (Logroño, Rioja). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (15), 151–166. https://doi.org/10.18172/brocar.1819
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