La categorización política del Franquismo : un análisis de las principales aportaciones historiográficas


  • Miguel Angel Esteban Navarro Universidad de Zaragoza



The author of this historiographical analysis focuses his attention on studies concerning the nature o[ franquism, the type of Sta te and its different phases, the power relationship that the different social groups established and, at the same time, he tries to overcome sorne stereotyped and even topical conceptions as being excessively generic Bourgeois dictatorship, personal dictatorship, flexible and pragmatic, fascist dictatorship, authoritarian regime, limited pluralism, etc. are so me of the definingterms analyzed from well-documented perspectives and through profound refelections of a young historian who has clearly planted the necessity to continue studying the recent past when the establishment of democracy has caused a decrease in interest in the previous political system: that system which «obliged historians to define their own peritical position with respect to the dictatorship» and which today apparently produces «an anxious desire to forget that since then has invaded us, as national reconciliations has become confused with oblivion».


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How to Cite

Esteban Navarro, M. A. (1987). La categorización política del Franquismo : un análisis de las principales aportaciones historiográficas. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (13), 11–26.



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