La Visita de Distrito, medio de radicación del sistema inquisitorial de control social : El Santo Oficio de Logroño (1538-1613)
Employing a dif.ferent approach to those of the previous article, the authoress, whose work has been directed by Prof Contreras, poses in this synthesis such questions as social control and power and its instruments, related to modern polisinody and the conception of State institutions. Based on these premises, she presentes the wide range of methods of control, exercises by the Tribunal in its jurisdictional are a and establishesthe real value of the «Visita de Distrito» (Local Inspection) as a mean of spreading the inquisitorial system of social controlDownloads
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How to Cite
Cristóbal Martín, M. A. (1987). La Visita de Distrito, medio de radicación del sistema inquisitorial de control social : El Santo Oficio de Logroño (1538-1613). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (13), 65–96.
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