De los Cameros a Extremadura : historia y comportamiento de los ganaderos riojanos en tierras de Cáceres (1720-1800)
Miguel Angel Melón studies in his article the meaning ofthe demographical expansion combined with the agrarian advances in Extremadura at that time and their handicapping effect on seasonal migration to the new pastures, specially Cameros. This article backs the previous one in pointing to externa! causes for the fact of the crisis period in Cameros, and backs it with an abundance of documentation, at the same time it ratifies the growth and strength of the fighting movement of revolt for the land in Cáceres and its surroundings.Downloads
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How to Cite
Melón Jiménez, M. Ángel. (1986). De los Cameros a Extremadura : historia y comportamiento de los ganaderos riojanos en tierras de Cáceres (1720-1800). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (12), 141–158.
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