La cerámica excisa de Partelapeña (El Redal) : datos proporcionados por las últimas excavaciones
Since 1979 on, the authors have been working on a systematic study of the Pelagueña deposit in El Redal, first brought to light in 1935. They care, mainly, for the definition of a stratigraphic sequence, in which different levels of occupation are included, from the fui! Bronze period to the Romanization. In one of them, dated 680 ± 50 a. C. by C.14 Excise Pottery was stratified; it was used as a fossile director of indoeuropean invasions for a long time. Nowadays, in the authors' view, the evaluation of this element can't be established without having taken into account the context in which it appears.Downloads
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How to Cite
Alvarez Clavijo, P., & Pérez Arrondo, C. L. (1986). La cerámica excisa de Partelapeña (El Redal) : datos proporcionados por las últimas excavaciones. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (12), 193–206.
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