Reinterpretación de las estratigrafías y ajuares arqueológicos de Cueva Lóbrega (Torrecilla en Cameros, La Rioja)
Prehistory, Last Neolitic-Bronze Age, deposit in cave, l, Spain, Valley of de Ebro, La RiojaAbstract
The prehistoric deposit of Cueva Lóbrega (Torrecilla en Cameros, La Rioja) is known since the 19th century when L. Lartet made the first archeological excavations. They have been resumed severa! times since then, whereas the recovered materials have been systematized in accordance with the theories of each time. This article analyses the carried out researchs and interprets the known data, taking into account the newnesses furnished by the research made in the near areas and specially in the Meseta. As a result, it is able to track the utilization of the cave from the Last Neolithic until the Last Bronze Age. Besides, it poses the necessity of make new excavations for to confirm the propounded sequence.Downloads
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How to Cite
Barrios Gil, I., & Ceniceros Herreros, J. (1988). Reinterpretación de las estratigrafías y ajuares arqueológicos de Cueva Lóbrega (Torrecilla en Cameros, La Rioja). Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (14), 53–102.
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