Vital exile and spanish tragedy in the poetry of León Felipe
Christianity, Spanish civil war, exile, Don Quixote, Collective Letter from the Spanish episcopate, falangist poets.Abstract
The article aims for an approach to the figure of the Spanish poet Felipe Camino Galicia, León Felipe (1884-1968) through an interpretation of his work, in which the author notices the deep influence that Christianity –and, also, the Old Testament– have in his anthropological vision, in the construction of his poetic images and the ethical-prophetic nerve that runs throughout his work. To highlight the extent of this influence, the author uses the vision and stance that the poet has about the Spanish civil conflict of 1936 and 1939; in addition, he compares the images and metaphors of León Felipe to the poetic production, also full of religious meanings, which is being made in the pro-Franco side, both in the clerical interpretations of the war, and among the falangist poets of that time.Downloads
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