Primary School teachers in La Rioja during mid-XVIII Century
Literacy teacher, Catastro of Ensenada, Moyano law, history of teaching, history of children's education, history of girls' educationAbstract
This paper shows the reality of teaching in La Rioja in the mid-eighteenth century based on the Catastro of Ensenada and documents of the judicial section of the Provincial Historical Archive (AHPLR), sources that allowed us to verify that the literacy teachers enjoyed in La Rioja a very favorable situation and that their condition of necessary public service was accepted in all the towns. Paid by the councils and the parents – the two sources of income contained in the Moyano law of 1857 – teachers enjoyed prestige, performed as organists, sacristans or even notaries, and in general, enjoyed a relatively good economic situation, always in the realm of forced austerity, but far above of the peasant society in which they settled.
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