The “hermeneutical aesthetic circle” in the context of the “philosophy of the limit”. Definition and application in the “in itinere” arts


  • Herminia Pagola Martínez Universidad de La Rioja



Esthetic, hermeneutic, limit, E. Trías, performing arts, H.-G. Gadamer


In this article we try to argue and describe the circular connection that takes place between the artistic-symbolic fact and the hermeneutic-interpretative one. This is evident to us by placing ourselves in the ambit called by Eugenio Trías the limit, within his philosophical proposal. We also try to analyze the adequacy of the behavior of the arts in itinere to the dynamics of this aesthetic-hermeneutical circle. In them it is highlighted, especially, that the space-time interval of this circle can tend to a minimum value to the point in which the hermeneutic-interpretative fact and the creative or artistic-symbolic fact can occur simultaneously.


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Author Biography

Herminia Pagola Martínez, Universidad de La Rioja

Departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad de La Rioja. Área de Filosofía.

Contratada predoctoral durante el periodo 2013-2017.


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How to Cite

Pagola Martínez, H. (2020). The “hermeneutical aesthetic circle” in the context of the “philosophy of the limit”. Definition and application in the “in itinere” arts. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (44), 233–254.


