Writing about music: reception and ideological projection in the musical criticism of Las Golondrinas (J. M. Usandizaga, 1914)
Press, ideology, Usandizaga, Las golondrinas, Martínez SierraAbstract
The analysis of the press around the premiere of the zarzuela Las golondrinas (1914) by J. M. Usandizaga provides important information beyond what is strictly musical. Newspaper articles not only talk about music but also influence the reception of the work, its evaluation and the composer’s consideration. Thus, writing about music also has an ideological projection, generate opinion. The relationships between music and the libretto (by Martínez Sierra), the composer’s consideration as a celebrity, the debate around nationalism and music as a creator of identity ... are aspects that arise when writing about Las golondrinas and that complete our knowledge of the zarzuela and of the musical and cultural context in which it arises.
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