Leisure in the annual magazine Rioja Industrial (1940-1969)
Logroño Ilustrado, Rioja Industrial, leisure, culture, sports, partiesAbstract
The annual magazine Logroño Ilustrado was born in 1920. In 1921 it took the definitive name of Rioja Industrial. It was founded by the Notario brothers, owners of the Industrial Graphic Arts Printing. It was born in the final years of the Restauration, and lasted throughout the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera, the Second Republic, and the Franco regime. It only stopped publishing in the years of the civil war (1937-1939), as well as in 1924, 1942 and 1944. It was financed with the advertisements that appeared mainly in the first and third parts of the magazine. The second part was dedicated to the works of cultural, sports and festive leisure activities. For this reason, we will look at aspects such as bullfights, cinema, theater, music, arts, sports and festivals that project society from leisure in the Franco years between 1940 and the disappearance of the magazine in 1969.
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Leyes y normas
Constitución de 1876
Constitución de la República Española de 1931
“LEY (sic)”, 21 de octubre de 1931, Gaceta de Madrid, núm. 295, 22 de octubre de 1931.
Ley 14/1966 de 18 de marzo de Prensa e Imprenta, BOE, núm. 67, 19 de marzo de 1966.
Ley de Orden Público, 29 de julio de 1933, Gaceta de Madrid, núm. 211, 30 de julio de 1933.
Ley de Policía de la Imprenta de 26 de julio de 1883, Gaceta de Madrid, núm. 211, 30 de julio de 1883.
Ley de Prensa, BOE, núm. 550, 24 de abril de 1938.
Fuentes hemerográficas
Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE)
Gaceta de Madrid
Logroño Ilustrado
Rioja Industrial
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