De Gaulle's trip to South America in the Spanish press (september-october 1964)
an intrusion in Francoist hispanicity?
De Gaulle, France, Latin America, Francoist press, international relationsAbstract
French President Charles de Gaulle's 1964 diplomatic tour through ten South American countries, was the most ambitious and significant trip to Latin America by a European leader of the entire decade. The Spanish press considered this tour as an interference because it introduced a new European interlocutor in a region that Franco's propaganda defined as a privileged area for Spain's foreign action linked to the myth of ‘Hispanidad’. However, the desire to maintain a policy of rapprochement with France and a gesture by the French President towards Spain at the end of his trip proved to be a counterbalance that prevented the final accounts of the trip in the Spanish media from being markedly negative as will be examined through content analysis of the main newspapers of the period.
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