El anabaptismo y su difusión territorial en el siglo XVI


  • Noelia Moreno Orio Universidad de La Rioja




Anabaptism, Europe, 16th century, religious reform, radicalism, infant baptism


The present article aims to analyze the origins, as well as the spatial and temporal extension of the 16th century radical reform known as Anabaptism. To this end, a number of European territories, in which this religious movement relied most strongly in the early years of its  existence, have been selected: Switzerland, South Germany, Tyrol-Moravia, North Germany and the Netherlands. Within each region, the analysis focuses on the main characteristics of each community developed there, along with the relevant references to its main leaders. It has also been considered necessary to address its historical context and general characteristics for a greater and better understanding of this revolutionary phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Moreno Orio, N. (2024). El anabaptismo y su difusión territorial en el siglo XVI. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (47), 159–180. https://doi.org/10.18172/brocar.5656


