“Like a new dawn”. The establishment of the Salazarist dictatorship and its media projection among Portuguese immigrants in the United States
Portuguese immigration, Salazar´s dictatorship, press, propaganda, United StatesAbstract
The establishment of the Salazarist Estado Novo in Portugal in 1933 had a significant influence on the political behaviour of the Portuguese colony in the United States. Some immigrants identified with Salazarism, but others promoted an anti-Salazarist opposition movement, led by the former Republican minister João Camoesas, who went into exile in Massachusetts. The agitation and mobilisation against the dictatorship worried Salazar, who tried to project a modern and avant-garde image of the new dictatorial regime among the immigrants, using nationalist and imperial rhetoric. Based on original diplomatic and media sources, this paper analyses Salazarism's propaganda campaign in the Portuguese diaspora in North America during the 1930s.
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Publicaciones periódicas:
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Archivos consultados:
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- Freitas Library (San Leandro, California).
- Ferreira-Mendes Portuguese American Archives (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth).
- Arquivo Oliveira Salazar (AOS, Lisboa)
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