The first populism of Spanish democracy
the case of Juan Hormaechea
Juan Hormaechea, populism, Cantabria, Santander, political rightAbstract
This article intends to analyze the figure of Juan Hormaechea and the populist movement around his person, first as mayor of Santander and, later, as president of Cantabria. The attempt to dominate the institutions, contempt for the adversary, personal identification with the community and the development of patronage networks through a program of high public spending peppered with numerous irregularities, were the foundations of what constituted the first great populist experience of the new democracy achieved after Franco’s death. Through numerous newspaper material, it intends to trace a journey through his political trajectory to understand and identify that populism based on eccentricity and personalism of which Hormaechea would be the first and greatest representative.
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Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas
Registro General de Partidos Políticos
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