Greed and avarice as recurring themes in nineteenth-century anticlerical caricature and satire

the case of the clerical circles of the Monarchy of Isabella II


  • Álvaro Cánovas Moreno Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/Instituto Universitario "La Corte en Europa" (IULCE)



anticlericalism, anticlerical recurring themes, satire, anticlerical caricature, Claret, Sor Patrocinio, Monarchy of Isabella II and Francisco de Asís (1833-1868)


Through a selection of examples, mostly from democratic-republican circles, and produced during the last years of the reign of Isabel II and the Sexenio Democrático, this article analyses greed and avarice as important recurring themes in nineteenth-century anticlerical caricature and satire. This is done through a specific case study that is paradigmatic and remarkable for several reasons: that of the clerical circles of the monarchy of Isabel II and Francisco de Asís (1833-1868). That is to say, those religious men and women who, in any way, were related to the court of Isabel II. However, we will focus our analysis especially on a nun and a secular religious: the polemical sor Patrocinio, and the famous royal confessor, Antonio María Claret.


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How to Cite

Cánovas Moreno, Álvaro. (2024). Greed and avarice as recurring themes in nineteenth-century anticlerical caricature and satire: the case of the clerical circles of the Monarchy of Isabella II. Brocar. Cuadernos De Investigación Histórica, (47), 75–103.


