Manuel Azaña as a Symbol of the Spanish Second Republic Through Satirical Press
The Case of "Gracia y Justicia" (1931-1936)
Manuel Azaña, Spanish Second Republic, Political cartoons, XXth Century, lieu de mémoireAbstract
The relevance of Manuel Azaña (1880-1940) as one of the main public figures of 20th century Spain is unquestionable. His value as a symbol of the Second Republic includes a wide range of perspectives, from recognition and homage to satire and insult. Thus, this article offers an approach to the icon-symbolic construction of Azaña among the caricatures in the anti-Republican, far-right weekly magazine Gracia y Justicia, with the aim of demonstrating how the conceptualization of Azaña as a lieu de mémoire by anti-Republican rights had already been consolidated before the Civil War and the subsequent Francoist dictatorship.
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