Discourse analysis against the racism and neo-racism in Zebda’s songs
Song, immigration, racism, Zebda, discourse analysisAbstract
Social issues arising from immigration such as discrimination, racism and neo-racism is reflected in the French song especially since the decade of the eighties of last century. In the texts of the songs appear from the point of view of the problems that affected minorities of immigrant origin in France. For this reason, in this paper we present a comprehensive discourse analysis of selected lyrics French music group Zebda. To do this we follow the model of transitivity of Halliday (2004), and the postulates on discourse analysis of other linguists (van Dijk 1999, 2003, van Leeuwen 1996; Maingueneau 1991). The aim of this study is to show linguistic and discursive strategies employed in an ideological discourse from a minority seeking their visibility and social recognition.Downloads
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