Condiciones ambientales en los teatros de Plauto y Terencio
The work begins with a brief prologue in which I try to explain the main causes of the introduction of the greec comedy in Rome. Then, I contrast the most opposite dramatic personality aspects in the works of Plauto and Terence. The article is a comparative development of the most opposite points that can be noticed in the theater of both authors. This study is nor only an original personal investigation, neither a discovery of new aspects of the matter. The originality of this work remains on the comparative exposition of the subject by using a contrastive method, which can be very useful for the study of the differences that I tried to underline.Downloads
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How to Cite
Riquelme Otálora, J. “Condiciones Ambientales En Los Teatros De Plauto Y Terencio”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 11, July 2013, pp. 9-30, doi:10.18172/cif.2114.
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