Pere Gimferrer, "Extraña fruta" : el misterio de una disolución poética
"Extraña fruta", the last book in Spanish by Pere Gimferrer, written from january to june en 1968, is a muysterious poetic dissolution, in which the former gimferrerian poetic world begins to split. This article tries to be a through explanation of the aforementioned book and of the aesthetic literary position of its author, analizing and documenting properly the artistic and referencial processes of the said poetry. Poetry which could and should be already esteemed as one of the heights in the Hispanic Literature in the sixties.Downloads
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How to Cite
Vilas Vidal, M. “Pere Gimferrer, ‘Extraña Fruta’ : El Misterio De Una disolución poética”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 11, July 2013, pp. 123-40, doi:10.18172/cif.2120.
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