La hermeneútica en " La Queste del Saint Graal"
The world in "La Queste del Saint Graal" is totalized by an afien narrative viewpoint, whose externality reduces the immanent gnoseology of the characters, a limitation that can be interpreted as a lack of meaning. Whatever sense there is in their actions is made available to them only a posteriori. Reality becomes exegetical, its concrete aspects revealing a literality that will allow a reading according to a semiology manipulated by the hermits. These figures possess the textuallaw that will facilitate the interna! exegesis, and suggest the more comprehensive interpretation, which is the objective of the historical reader. The paradigmatic relations in the discourse allow the reader to shift to different registers. The motion from the syntagmatic to the paradigmatic relations is demanded by the narrative movement, which forwards the discourse to a impossible merge with a fullness of meaning textually indicated by the obiect known as "the Grail".Downloads
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How to Cite
Resina, J. R. “La Hermeneútica En ‘ La Queste Del Saint Graal’”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 11, July 2013, pp. 141-66, doi:10.18172/cif.2121.
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