La recreación de los modelos narrativos caballerescos en "La Historia del invencible cavallero don Polindo" : Toledo, 1526
The anonymous story of "Don Polindo" has been published during the period of expansion of the chivalry gen re. The book had little publishing chances, however it proved to be interesting from the point of view of the remake of preexisting chivalry narrative patterns. Afler a succint bibliographical description of the book anda brief abstract of its plot, in this article we analyse the assimilation of some of these patterns. To be exact, it is possible to identify the presence of some Palmerinian shapes in contrast with others much more realistic and near to those shown by Martorell in "Tirant lo Blanc". It must be pointed out that, as opposed to its models, Don Po lindo shows the introduction little by little of so me mythological materials that aflerwards were mainly taken into account by later chivalry authors.Downloads
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How to Cite
Marín Pina, M. C. “La recreación De Los Modelos Narrativos Caballerescos En ‘La Historia Del Invencible Cavallero Don Polindo’ : Toledo, 1526”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 15, July 2013, pp. 87-98, doi:10.18172/cif.2153.
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