A functional-lexematic approach to the syntagmatic axis of the semantic dimension "Prediction" in Old English
This paper analyses the semantic dimension "To say that something will happen" in Old English. Following the Functional-Lexematic Model, we will analyse the syntactic frames of each lexeme within this dimension in order to obtain the predicate schemata that characterise it and its structure in terms of sense-relations. Firstly, we will have access to the verbal lexemes that indicate prediction in Old English through A Thesaurus of Old English. Afterwards, The Dictionary of Old English Corpus will supply us with the contexts in which these lexemes appear, the analysis of which will provide the predicate schemata of this dimension and its internal structureDownloads
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How to Cite
González Orta, M. M. “A Functional-Lexematic Approach to the Syntagmatic Axis of the Semantic Dimension ‘Prediction’ in Old English”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 26, July 2013, pp. 109-24, doi:10.18172/cif.2222.
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