Qué significa "conocer" una palabra : la complejidad de la competencia léxica
Based on the research in Linguistics and Psycholinguistics, this article offers an approach to what lexical competence, that is, the knowledge of the words of a language, might be. The topic is considered,firstly,from a hgeneral point of view: which levels of lexical knowledge can be distinguished, and how lexical competence can be defined. Then, the article focuses on two aspects: 1) which is the structure of word meaning and, 2) how words are connected, in the language as well as in the speaker's mind.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sanjuán Alvarez, M. “Qué Significa ‘conocer’ Una Palabra : La Complejidad De La Competencia léxica”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 17, July 2013, pp. 89-101, doi:10.18172/cif.2300.
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