Juan Ramón Jiménez 1900 : hallazgo del eslabón perdido entre la silva modernista y el verso libre hispánico
The critics have repeatedly affirmed that Juan Ramón Jiménez uses free verse for the first time, in 1917, in "Diario de un poeta recién casado". In this article, it is discovered that free verse was already used in "Ninfeas", a book written by Juan Ramón Jiménez in 1900. There are poems that can not be considered as silvas be cause of their strophic irregularity, metrical variety, and lack of rhyme. The antecedent of this free verse is found in En las orillas del Sar by Rosalía de Castro and Castalia bárbara by Ricardo Jaime Freyre. The latter book, Rubén Darío lent to Juan Ramón Jiménez.Downloads
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How to Cite
Romero López de las Hazas, D. “Juan Ramón Jiménez 1900 : Hallazgo Del eslabón Perdido Entre La Silva Modernista Y El Verso Libre hispánico”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 18, July 2013, pp. 99-107, doi:10.18172/cif.2321.
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