El tema del hombre en María Zambrano
Against the existentialist description of the structure andactivity of the human being, M. Zambrano propases a different dynamisme. For the existentialism we elect at any moment trying to make the hunan being we aren't yet, and, this way, we go on making ourselves. This search of the being is,Jor M. Zambrano, the sign ofthe necessity of finding our lost identity, of completing ourselves because we are in excisión. The excisión consists of the division between knowledge and life introduced by the conscience. This rupture can't be overcome outwards. Existence is always the being outside of the person, never identity; what maintains it is precisely the dichotomy conscience-being. The excision, on the contrary, may be overcome from inside because our being is in ourselves. lt's enough to let it emerge to an open conscience (poetic reason) for creating an active, trasformer and creative symbiosis of knowledge and life.Downloads
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How to Cite
Clavo Sebastián, M. J. “El Tema Del Hombre En María Zambrano”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 18, July 2013, pp. 129-48, doi:10.18172/cif.2323.
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