Algunas taxonomías del léxico de las emociones y su pertinencia para el corpus léxico de un estudio traductológico inglés-español


  • Jesús Sánchez García Universidad de Córdoba



Certain semantic/cognitive considerations and taxonomies are explored which are relevant to the lexis of emotion and which have played an important part in structuring one dimension in the domain of love to obtain a lexical corpus applicable to the descriptive study of the theme/topic of love in Lawrence Durrell’s novel The Alexandria Quartet and its Spanish translation. The general framework for this research, as well as the details of such structuring, has already been dealt with elsewhere on the basis of criteria established in Dr. Leocadio Martín Mingorance’s lexematic-functional model and in his lexicographic project. In addition, emphasis is laid on the translation scholar (or, for that matter, any lexicologist working along onomasiological lines) having recourse to lexico-semantic and semantico-cognitive approaches, if the domain dimension useful for his or her applied purpose is to be structured in a sound manner.


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How to Cite

Sánchez García, J. “Algunas taxonomías Del léxico De Las Emociones Y Su Pertinencia Para El Corpus léxico De Un Estudio traductológico inglés-español”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 21, July 2013, pp. 89-118, doi:10.18172/cif.2352.


