La guerra en un novelista "deshumanizado" : La novela póstuma de Benjamín Jarnés
This article, after having reexamined Jarnés’s volumes chance and critical misfortune as a novelist, analyzes some of the aspects of the novel Su línea de fuego (1980): characters, background, discursive components, etc. and their relationship with some other Jarnés’s texts (being previous, simultaneous and even later to Su línea de fuego). Re-examining allows the article’s author to clarity Jarnés’s attitude towards the Spanish Civil War: to the “segunda barbarie” aggression, he opposes the duty of defending from it, but without hate nor political or personal extremism. Jarnés’s attitude and loyalty to his own ethics and aesthetics –not to try to give an answer to human’s pain “será dejar de ser hombre”– was not understood and he was aware of it as he points out lucidly in his "Cartas al Ebro". Commonplaces as apolitical, deshumanized and frivolous attitude are still repeated about Jarnés; therefore the necessary reexamination that this brief article proposes.Downloads
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How to Cite
Esteve Juárez, L. A. “La Guerra En Un Novelista ‘deshumanizado’ : La Novela póstuma De Benjamín Jarnés”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 21, July 2013, pp. 119-32, doi:10.18172/cif.2353.
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