A propósito de un caso de convergencia gramatical por causación múltiple en el área de influencia lingüistica catalana : Análisis sociolingüístico
The paper represents a study of a Spanish syntactic phenomenon in the Catalonian speech communities as a case of grammatical convergence between both languages. To the author, the origin of the concordance feature between the Spanish verb haber and the noun in normative impersonal sentences may be internally induced, but his great social extension is only explicable by linguistic contact influence. The presence of this feature in other Spanish varieties doesn’t mean that the accomplishment of the linguistic change has the same explicative factors in all the speech communities. Because of this epistemological principle, the author makes a cross dialectal analysis of the linguistic variable in the Spanish and the Catalan languages. In the empirical work he treats some sociological factors as mother tongue, dominant languages or origin of the speakers that reveals the importance of linguistic contact in the realization of the concordance. Finally, he makes some consideration about the problems that has had the interference concept in linguistics and sociolinguistics in last times, as well as about the implicit -and erroneousidea that the contact induced changes are only unidirectional (from the more to the less prestigious languages).Downloads
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How to Cite
Blas Arroyo, J. L. “A propósito De Un Caso De Convergencia Gramatical Por causación Múltiple En El área De Influencia lingüistica Catalana : Análisis sociolingüístico”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 21, July 2013, pp. 175-00, doi:10.18172/cif.2356.
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