Notas a Tucídides VIII 86, 4
Up to the present the passage under study has been discussed from a textual vantage point; according to the former readings, Alkibiades served the city oj Athens 'for the first time" (protron) or "in thefirst place" (protos). In my view the meaning may be other and allude to the political and military post which Alkibiades held at the moment. The present analysis is oriented towards a different interpretation ofthe text which stresses what Thucydides actually said on Alkibiades, independently ofthe twofold tradition which the sources have handed down in relation to the character.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ramón Palerm, V. “Notas a Tucídides VIII 86, 4”. Cuadernos De Investigación Filológica, vol. 17, July 2013, pp. 193-8, doi:10.18172/cif.2422.
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