Excessive realism in two Mexican thrillers: "Other faces of paradise" (1993), Francisco José Amparán, and "Among dogs" (2009), Alejandro Almazán
excessive realism, Mexican novel neopolicial, thrillers, "narconovela", mimetic realism, Mexican narrative, Francisco José Amparán, Alejandro AlmazánAbstract
In the tradition of the Mexican novel predominant preference for the narrative of facts, events and social situations that come from the sociocultural environment. Mexican novel from the last decade of the last century began to manifest excessive mimetic realism, a phenomenon we observed in the so-called novel of the border, narconovela and black neonovela. With the theoretical support that we provide theories of literary realism, we exemplify such a manifestation (which also call novel excessive reality whose origin is media nature) through two works belonging to the subgenres novel of the border and narconovela, at the same time share the codes of the detective genre, we refer to Other faces of paradise, Francisco José Amparán, and Among dogs, Alejandro Almazán.
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