Albert Cohen and Romain Gary from the “mal de mère” to the “mal de fils” in "Le Livre de ma mère" and "La Promesse de l’aube"
Romain Gary, Albert Cohen, “mal de mère”, “mal de fils”, maternal archetypeAbstract
We will focus our attention first in defining Albert’s and Romain’s “mal de fils” concept (A. Cohen, Le Livre de ma mère; R. Gary, La Promesse de l’aube), after explaining how this concept is related to the “mal de mère” and to a very specific archetype of mother. Since “le mal de fils” is present in the psychological and behavioral levels, we will point out, in the second part of this article, the main features of the attitudinal and behavioral profile of Romain and Albert, relatively to their mothers and their partners. For this purpose, the deep structure of the “self” of every narrator will be addressed according to a psychoanalytic perspective.
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