Miguel Hernández or the call of the blood: from irrepressible sexual desire to unstoppable erotic impulse
Sexuality, eros, passion, dissatisfaction, Miguel HernándezAbstract
Much has been especulated about the infuence that Miguel Hernández´s love experiences could have on the composition of his poems. However, little has been explained the scope and impact of the same in the construction of his emotional balance and in the full satisfaction of his sexual desires and his erotic impulses as a man: did Miguel Hernández achieve sexual fulfillment in his love relationships he had with Josefina Manresa, Maruja Mallo and María Cegarra, ore rather did these relationships leave him sexually dissafected and emotionally disappointed?
By means of a contrastive testimonial analysis we show that with none of the women mentioned did the Oriolan poet fulfill his sexual desiresm trough the unconditional dedication, in the physical and the spiritual by boht lovers. Hence the unpleasantness and disappointment kept open on his soul the “wound of love” until the end of his days.
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